Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Seamstress To The Dolls

These are the matching dresses and jackets I just finished making for Maggie's and Emma's American Girl dolls. They don't know about the dolls, yet. Pam is giving them as Christmas gifts.

These are a lot easier to make than Barbie doll dresses! The girls don't play with Barbies much and have never asked me to make clothes although I have crocheted a few things for the dolls.

I'm also making two other dresses and knitting sweaters for the AG dolls that will match the girls' sweaters that I plan on making. I also bought two tiny teddy bears for the dolls and I want to make matching sweaters for the bears.


Brenda Kelley said...

Great job!! Are they made from the patterns I mailed to you? I've used tissue paper pinned to the fabric whenever I've tried to sew on that slippery fabric.

Janice said...

No, Pam bought a pattern for $15 and gave it to me. I'm making them for her to give to the girls as part of her Christmas gifts to them. I haven't started on the patterns you sent.