Monday, December 1, 2008

Seamstress To The Dolls

I spent most of this morning and about an hour after dinner finishing up three nightgowns and one beautiful red lacy dress for the girls' American Girl dolls. I made two of the nightgowns with the hearts. The third nightgown is pink flowers and I made that one to give to the little girl who lent me her AG doll so I could make sure these creations actually fit. Can you imagine how horrible it would be to spend all that time making these dresses only to find out they don't fit?!?!? Luckily, they fit great! They are easy to put on the doll and to remove without pulling or gritting one's teeth.

One thing's for certain - being a seamstress to the dolls is a career move I don't wish to make. I've had some fun making these dresses, knowing how happy the granddaughters will be, but I must be getting old because I did something I don't think I've ever done in about 40 years of sewing - I ran the sewing machine needle into my finger. I actually had to use the wheel to reverse the needle to get it out. Now that smarts a bit! Maybe I need glasses.

I used to keep the mess to a minimum but today I realized I had threads all over my clothes, all over the floor and some were even out in the hallway. I dropped pins and, luckily, they landed point first into the carpet. I'm glad I have the ones with the colored balls on top. I could see them poking out of the rug before I stepped on them. I kept leaving the scissors on the ironing board and had to get up each time to get them because the board was about two inches too far away from my chair. Do you think I'd move the board closer? Or remember to put the scissors on the sewing machine table? Or get two pairs? Huh?

When I get the sweaters knitted (one's almost finished) I'll take a picture of the girls' sweaters with the dolls' sweaters and with the teddy bears' sweaters! Too cute for words!!

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