I received a call this morning to come to the opening of a new jewelry shop. There was no way I'd miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime event. I was asked to stop by and not to forget my purse. The shop was located in my granddaughter's bedroom. On her desk, to be precise.
She has learned that by taking several strands of colored string and twisting and turning them, she can fashion a necklace or bracelet. I'm not sure where the term "jewelry" came into it, but that's what she's calling it. When you're 7, I guess you can call it anything you want!
I noticed that all the necklaces and bracelets were finished off with grey duct tape. When I asked her about it, she said she didn't know how to tie a knot very well, so she went downstairs and got the tape. Works for her, works for me.
My necklace is twisted purple string with a duct tape "clasp". Very fashionable. Cost me 50 cents. We're definitely going to learn how to make friendship bracelets this summer!
September 23, 2012
12 years ago